How dental implants work like natural teeth

How dental implants work like natural teeth

Many people have turned to dentures, flippers, or traditional dental crowns and bridges to replace their missing or damaged teeth. Unfortunately, these appliances usually fail to serve their oral health, confidence, and chewing ability in the same way that their natural teeth once did. However, The Dental Implant Place can restore your smile with dental implants, which not only promote long-term bone and gum tissue health in a way no other restorative dental treatment can, but also feel and function like the natural teeth you were born with.

Like having your old teeth back

Dental implants simply provide the most natural and long-lasting solution in restorative dentistry for replacing missing, infected, or loose teeth. Here are just some of the benefits that only a dental implant can offer:

Simply Brush: When your implants retain zirconia crowns and bridges, you clean your dental implants the same way you used to clean your old teeth – by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

Stimulate Your Bone and Gums: Unlike dentures and traditional crowns and bridges, a dental implant acts as a tooth root which stimulates your bone and gums, significantly reducing risk of bone deterioration and gum disease.

Say Goodbye to Slippage: Dental implants fuse to your bone and can firmly anchor a crown, bridge, or even a denture without using adhesives. This allows you to eat the foods you used to enjoy and stop worrying about whether or not your teeth are going to fall out or shift when you talk.

Common problems with the traditional alternatives

Dentures require adhesives in order to stay in your mouth. Not only do these adhesives often feel and taste unpleasant, but they also often don’t work and slip out of your mouth, especially while chewing firmer foods and even while speaking. Flippers, meanwhile, usually lack adequate durability for long-term wear, and they rarely look like natural teeth compared to other dental prosthetics. Finally, traditional dental bridges and crowns (which use adjacent teeth to stay anchored in place) often compromise their adjacent natural teeth, making them crooked or loose.

Listen to our patients’ stories

Hear from real people who have chosen to get their dental implants in our Dental Implant centre. Their procedures helped them restore their quality of life, get their confidence back, and eat the foods they used to enjoy. For more information on how implant restoration can help you, contact us today to schedule your dental implant consultation.

The cost of dental implants vs infection & missing teeth

The cost of dental implants vs infection & missing teeth

Dental implants are not cheap, but they’re far more affordable than the price of missing or infected teeth. The fact is that pressing on with missing and/or infected teeth can lead to serious, systemic health issues that are not only crippling financially, but also devastating to your physical well-being.

The cost of missing teeth

One of the most important functions performed by natural teeth is one that goes unseen: the stimulation of your bone and gum tissue. When an area of bone and gum tissue lacks a tooth root, it is no longer used being used as it’s intended to be. As a result, the area will deteriorate from lack of use, which can lead to bone loss, premature aging, and gum disease. Because dental implants act as natural tooth roots, aiding the form and function of your bone and gums, the benefits they can provide for your long-term health cannot be overestimated.

The cost of loose and infected teeth

When mature, natural teeth become loose, that means there is a major problem in the bone and/or gums, and that problem is almost always infection. Infected teeth are dangerous, not just to your oral health, but to your overall health as well. Oral infection can lead to major systemic diseases that include, but are not limited to:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Aspiration pneumonia
  • Liver infection
  • Brain, Kidney and Bone infection
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Complications with diabetes
  • Meningitis

The toll these issues can take on your body and quality of life are immeasurable, and the cost of the medical care necessary to deal with the above problems can be nothing short of catastrophic. Therefore, it’s very important that infected teeth be removed and, as previously mentioned, that the function of your mouth also be restored. Dental implants cannot decay, and they can therefore greatly reduce the risks of oral infection.

What is your smile worth?

While avoiding the health risks of missing and infected teeth is more than enough reason to choose dental implants, the price of your confidence when smiling and your ability to chew properly are priceless. Dental implants are simply the most comprehensive and effective method in dentistry for giving you new teeth and restoring the quality of your oral health.

Don’t put it off – schedule your consultation today

Your oral health is immensely important. Don’t put it on the back burner. Our Dental Implant center offers affordable implants and our all-in-one-place process lowers the cost of dental implants and saves you invaluable time and convenience. Call us today to schedule your Appointment for consultation and take the next step towards restoring your oral health.